There are three ways your donation will help our Troop.
Fee Credit, Dues, and Equipment
A significant portion of all the donations we collect during tree pick-up is allocated, as credit, to each Scout who participates. These credits can be applied to fees associated with outings, summer camp, annual dues, and camping equipment. For many of the boys in our troop, these credits allow them to fully participate in our activities all year.
A big portion of the donations collected that stay with the troop finances activities for any of our Scouts who can’t afford to cover their own expenses. At Troop 591, we would hate to have a boy miss out on the opportunity to share in the Scouting experience due to their family’s financial hardships.
Subsidized Outings
Finally, the troop subsidizes some of the more expensive outings so as (with the exception of summer camp and high adventure trips) to ensure the maximum fee a Scout pays is $35. Some of our outings include ferry trips and camp site fees that cost more than $35 per attendee. We absorb those costs and pay for them with troop funds.
Your donations are an important part of Troop 591’s ability to serve the needs of all of the boys who are part of the Scouting experience.
Thank you.